Temiralieva Zubaira Sauletovna
Scientific degree - Senior teacher, Master of Science in the specialty 6M090200 "Tourism"
Education: - 1994-1999. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kh.A. Yassavi. Turkestan. By specialty: "Socio-cultural service and tourism." Qualification: "Tourism and Hotel Manager"
- 2011-2013 "Turan-Astana" University. In the specialty "Tourism". Academic degree: Master of Science in Tourism.
Global reservation and reservation systems, Turopoyreyting. Country studies, technology production in the restaurant business.
1. . Қазақстан туризм саласының қазіргі даму жағдайы мен мәселелері. International Scientific Conference. April 27-29, 2005. MKTU named after Yassavi - Turkestan.
2. Астана қаласының қонақүй шаруашылығының бүгінгі дамуы. . Scientific and practical conference. Turan-Astana University. February 14, 2013
3. Жаһандану жағдайындағы Қазақстан Республикасының
ішкі және кіру туризмінің даму серпінін талдау. International Scientific and Practical Conference. ENU them L. Gumilev. Astana - November 18, 2018
4. Қазақстан Республикасының кіру және ішкі туризмінің даму мүмкіндіктері.International Scientific and Practical Conference. KazUEFiMT. November 30, 2018 Astana
Professional experience:
- 04.12.2000. on 02.03.2001 The administrator of the hotel at the University MKTU them Kh.A. Yassavi. Turkestan
– 04.01.2001 on 28.11. 2001 Administrator of TOO "YASSY" hotel 3 * stars. Turkestan.
- 01.12.2001 on 03.05.2002
The administrator of the hotel at the University MKTU them Kh.A. Yassavi. Turkestan.
- 02.09.2002 on 26.01. 2004 Teacher spec. disciplines Polytechnic College. Astana city.
-2004 - 2018 Senior Lecturer, Master of Science in the specialty 6M090200 "Tourism" of the department "Social work and tourism" KazUEFiMT. Astana. g