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Turusbekova Umut Kazezovna

Turusbekova Umut Kazezovna

PhD degree - Ph.D. in PhD in Mathematics

Scientific School: ENU named after LNGumilev

Scientific interests: Mathematical methods and new technologies in science and education

Teaching subjects: ICT, High-performance programming methods, Srednemeno object-oriented programming


1) Quadratic Poisson algebras on k [x, y, z] and their automorphisms KarGU Bulletin №4 2016

2) Tne automorphism of Poisson algebras k [x, y]. Bulletin of the University of Karaganda, series "Mathematics" №3 (87), 2017, p.117-125

3) Analysis of the effectiveness of the application of mathematical modeling methods in the economy. International scientific and practical conference "Global competitiveness of Kazakhstan: the methodology of analysis of the contribution of economic entities to economic growth. KazUEFMT December 15, 2017

4) The role of information technologies in the modern economy International scientific-practical conference "Priorities of modern social and economic development of Kazakhstan: theory and practice", KazUEFMT November 30, 2017

International scientific visits:
05/29/2006 - 6/29/2006 - Claude-Bernard Lyon1 University, Lyon, France
01/06/2007 – 01/07/ 2007 - Reims University, Reims, France

2011 - Winner of the “Sana'a” rector's scholarship for young scientists of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Professional experience

Since 17.10.2012 the senior lecturer, PhD of the department "Informatics and Applied Economics" of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Astana;

01.09.2008-15.10.2012. ENU named after LN Gumilev senior lecturer, PhD of the Department of Algebra and Geometry

Contact details


umut.t @

Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстан
Министерство Образования и науки РК
Международная бизнес школа
Портал электронного правительства
Правительство Республики Казахстан
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G-Global Виртуальный проект VIII Астанинского экономического форума
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