version for the visually impaired

Abisheva Aigul Amantaevna

Abisheva Aigul Amantaevna

Degree - Master of Technical Sciences.

Scientific School: Karaganda Academy "Bolashak" Master's degree in "Information Systems"

Scientific interests: Mathematical methods and new technologies in science and education
Readable courses: Modern technologies of object-oriented programming, Designing and developing problem-oriented applications, Programming technology, Programming in the Java environment, Algorithms and data structures and programming, Algorithmization and programming

1. The use of distributed systems for collecting statistical information;

2. Development of the database structure of the statistical information collection system;

3. Wireless networks on the future technology in WI-FI in Kazakhstan;

4. The structure of the database and the distributed system for collecting statistical information;

5. Creating a corporate web-site promoting light industry products;

6. Automated databases and expert systems

7. Algorithmization and programming

8. Structures of data and algorithms

9. Advantages of the use of platform of NetBeans IDE in programming of Java  language in creation of database

10. Structure of database of the distributed system on плотформе NetBeans in programming  of Java language
11. The benefits of using the NetBeans IDE platform in the Java programming language to create a database;

12. Methodology of object-oriented programming using modern programming languages.


Professional experience

- 1998-2000. Virgin high school Karaganda region. Zhana-Arkinsky r / n;

-2000-2012 Karaganda State Technical University;

-2012-2014 Kazakh Engineering and Technical Academy of Astana;

-2014-2016 Kazakh University of Technology and Business Astana;

- since 2016 Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and MT Astana.

Contact details



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