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Galiyeva Alma Hayrbuldinovna

Galiyeva Alma Hayrbuldinovna

Scientific degree, title, scientific school:

the Doctor of Economics.

Doctor of Economics, associate professor

School of sciences: Development of corporate structures in the mineral and raw sector of Kazakhstan; Development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan

The right of teaching at the higher school (the right of lecturing received after defense of a thesis and including): 08.00.05 Economy and management of the national economy.

Qualification: Tselinograd construction institute.

Length of service in a higher educational institution (since what year): 44 years

Scientific interests: economy, enterpreneurship, competitiveness, PPP.

Teaching focus: Industry economy. Economy of the branch markets. Economy of industries. Economic forecasting.

Delivered courses: Economy of industries; Planning and forecasting in economy of Kazakhstan; Public-private partnership in branches of economy.

Teaching focus: Industry economy. Economy of the branch markets. Economy of industries. Economic forecasting.


1. Innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Monograph, Astana: IP Bulatov A. Zh., 2017, 308 p.

2. Government Support of Innovative Entrepreneurship. Monograph, Astana: IP Bulatov A. Zh., 2017, 130 p.

3. Assessment of efficiency of projects of public-private partnership. Monograph, Astana: IP Bu-latov A. Zh., 2017, 303 p.

4. Stimulation of introduction of innovations in the Republic of Kazakhstan: questions of the theory and practice//Collection of the XVII International scientific and practical conference "Russia and Europe: communication of culture and economy", Prague, Czech republic on February 28, 2017, 479 p. of P. 437-441

1.                 5. The Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprises//Materials of the IV International to a scientific-practicala of conference "Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization", January 10-12, 201Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 110-112

6. Development of the Economy of Kazakhstan: Problems and Solutions the International On-line a conference on the basis of the communicative G-global platform "Account, audit and the analysis: international practice, tendencies and prospects of development", Astana: ENU of L.N. Gumilev, on March 30, 2017. P. 418-424

7. Approaches to introduction of mechanisms of management of innovative business on the purposes and results of activity//Materials II of the international On line of a scientific and practical conference on a subject: "Topical issues of economic sciences" on March 28, 2017, P. 545-550

8. Toxanova A.N., Galiyeva A.Kh., Mukhamedzhanova A.A. The analysis of interrelation between large innovation-active and small business//the Collection of materials XXXIV of the International scientific and practical conference on a subject: "Basic and applied researches: problems and results", Novosibirsk, on June 2, on June 30, 2017 Page 144-149

9. Monograph "Development of Mechanisms of the State Private Partnership in the Republic"

10. Monograph "State support of innovative business in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11. Manual "State Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

12. Manual "The State Private Partnership in the Social Sphere"

13. Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan//IEJME-Mathematics Education, 2016, Vol.11., No. 5, 1113-1126. (with an impakt-factor)

Personal experience:

1. A course according to the program the Balanced System of Indicators (BSI): Development of strategy and its introduction (72 hours) Astana, июнь2016г-№ 200,000136. Certificate

2. A seminar in modern forms of the organization of occupations in the conditions of credit technology of training on economic distsiplinam6 carried out within the II Republican scientific and methodical conference "Modern education: contents, technologies and ensuring quality" in volume of the 72nd hour, of 12.02.2016. Certificate

3. Participation in the international scientific and practical On-line of the "Current Problems of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" conference on December 22, 2015 Astana. Certificate of KUEF, new economic university him T. Ryskulova

4. A seminar on a subject: "Technique of teaching economic disciplines" Center of training and development of 72 hours. 30.04.2013 Reg number 00082. Certificate

As the expert: The member of section of educational and methodical merging of Republican educational and methodical council (UMO RUMS) of the highest and postgraduate education of MES RK on group of specialties "Social Sciences, Economy and Business"; reviewing and opposition master, candidate theses; member of the Academic council

Another: Awards, encouragement, places in competitions and the nominations and another:

Awarded with the medal "Honourable Educator”

Professional experience

1. 1973 – 1976 - the teacher The Tselinograd construction institute

1976 - 1981.The graduate student of a target postgraduate study at the Kazakh polytechnical institute in

1981 - 1993 - the senior teacher, the managing department.The Karatau branch of the Kazakh polytechnical institute

1994 - 2004 - The Kostanay state university of A. Baytursynov the senior teacher, the associate professor of management and marketing

2004 – 2010 - Kazakh humanitarian and legal university the associate professor, the managing Finance and Account department.

2010 - 2011 -The Kazakh university of economics, finance and international trade of  the Associate professor, the managing Ekonomy department.

2011-2012 - the deputy a precept  "Economics"

2012-2016 department "Economics"

2017-2018th associate professor "Economy"



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