Tolegenova Zhansaya Bakhtybekovna
In 1999 she graduated from Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, specialty "Foreign language".
In the period from 1999 to 2008 she worked as a senior lecturer and supervised with the section on teaching credit technologies, the department of foreign languages of the International Kazakh-Turkish Institute named after K, A. Yassavi, Taraz
In the period from 2008 to 2019, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov;
2001 diploma "The best teacher in educational work of the university" of the International Kazakh-Turkish Institute named after K., A. Yassavi, Taraz
Research interests: Application of modern technologies in teaching English
Courses taught:
Foreign language (English); Professionally oriented foreign language (English)
- "The importance of using video in teaching English" Teaching English language and managing teachers’association: materials of the VII international scientific and practical conference NATEC
Taraz, 2007.-С.171-174
- “Drug addicts nemese kesh құmarlyktyk kasiretteri zhne pedagogikalyk museleleri“ Zhogary onu oryndarynda bilikti mamandar dayarlaudyk uzekti maseleleri: khalykaralyk ғsylymy-19.
- "Language and intercultural communication" Development of the pedagogical education system in the context of globalization processes: ENU named after LN Gumilyov international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Pedagogy.
- Astana, 2012.
- A textbook in English for students of the specialty "Physical culture and sports"
Taraz Institute MKTU them. A. Yassawi. –Taraz, 2007
- Kazakstanda ushtildik ogytudyk zhetistigі men maңyzdylyky Materials of the international scientific and methodological online seminar Kazan 2017
- Neuro-linguistic programming in the teaching of foreign language Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Latest Research in Modern Science: Experience, Traditions, Innovations"
17-18 February 2017 UDC 001.8 BBK10 North Charleston, South Carolina, USA
-Using innovative technologies in motivating students
of non-linguistic specialties in foreign language learning, materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Strategies for the development of modern science", USA, North Charleston, UK 2019 pp. 85-89 ISBN-13: 978-1979333979
ISBN-10: 1979333971 Otkritie Publishing House
1. Certificate of advanced training, educational technology center, the city of Nur-Sultan, on the topic "Theory and practice of teaching a foreign language", 2019
2. Certificate of seminars in the city of Nur-Sultan by the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute "Innovative methods in formations" April 16-27, 2018.
3. Certificate of advanced training. Online seminar Nur-Sultan at the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute "Digitalization in training" April 15-25, 2019
4. Certificate of professional development. Online seminar Nur-Sultan Eurasian National University "Scientific resources IEEE database" April 15-25, 2021