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The 1st stage of the republican competition of research works of students, undergraduates, doctoral students was held at Esil University

At the meeting, the commission considered the scientific projects of the participants of the competition.

The students presented the following projects:

1. Yesenbek Adilet, 2nd year student, specialty "Management". Project topic: Strategy and tactics of risk management of companies in conditions of uncertainty. Scientific supervisor: Esymkhanova Zeynegul Klyshbekovna, Candidate of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management. The project examines the main issues of strategy and tactics of risk management of companies in conditions of uncertainty.

2. Irgalieva Aidana, 4th year student, specialty "State local administration". Project topic: Measures of state support for the development of youth entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan Scientific supervisor Esymkhanova Zeynegul Klyshbekovna, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management. The project considers topical issues of state support for the development of youth entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

3. Zhanakhmet Arsen, Muratkhanova Nazgul, 3rd year students, specialty "Management". Project topic: Kasiporyn kyzmetin tiimdi baskaruda sandyk technologiyalardi koldanu zholdary. Supervisor: M. Batay, Master, senior lecturer.

4. Onerbekkyzy Ayman, 4th year student, specialty "Management". Topic of the report: "Kasiporynyn onim sapasyn baskarudyn zamanui zholdary". Scientific supervisor: M.U. Uazhanov, PhD.

5. Serikbaeva Aizhamal, 3rd year student, specialty "Management". Project topic: Kasiporynnyn logistikalyk managementin negizgi maseleri zhane ony zhetildiru zholdary. Supervisor: Khuanysh L., DBA, senior lecturer.

6. Kurmasheva Amina, 3rd year student, specialty "Management". Topic of the report: Features of the formation of the personnel policy of the organization (on the example of "Mereystroy-Astana" LLP). Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Mukhambetova L.K.

7. Togai Milana, 3rd year student of the specialty "State and local government". Project topic: Aimakta investyalyk kyzmettin tiimdiligin bagalau. Supervisor: B.T. Chereeva, PhD, acting associate professor.

8. Sapar Elvira, 4th year student of the specialty "Management". Topic of the report: Kazakhstan Republicas aumagy arkyly otetin zhuk tasymaldary logisticasyn baskarudyn zhana bagyttary. Scientific supervisor Scientific supervisor: M.U. Uazhanov, PhD. The student was unable to take part for good reasons.

9. Mukanova Manshuk, 3rd year student, specialty "Management". Topic of the report: Densaulyk saktau salasyndagi memlekettic management.Supervisor: Baigireeva Zh.Z., Master, senior lecturer. The student could not take part for good reasons.

10. Kamet Anuar, 3rd year student, specialty "State and local government". Project topic: Communication in the personnel management system as an effective management tool. Supervisor: Imashev A.B., PhD, acting associate professor. The student was unable to participate for valid reasons.

 At the end of the event of the meeting, the Competition Commission DECIDED:

1. To encourage the following participants with letters of thanks: Zhanakhmet Arsen, Muratkhanova Nazgul, Onerbekkyzy Ayman.

2. Determine the next winners:

 1st place (OP Management) – Yesenbek Adilet, 2nd year student, specialty "Management". Project topic: Strategy and tactics of risk management of companies in conditions of uncertainty. Scientific supervisor: Esymkhanova Z.K., Candidate of Economics, Professor.

2nd place (OP Management)- Serikbaeva Aizhamal, 3rd year student, specialty "Management". Project topic: Kasiporynnyn logistikalyk managementin negizgi maseleri zhane ony zhetildiru zholdary. Supervisor: Khuanysh L., DBA, Master's degree, senior lecturer.

3rd place (OP Management)- Kurmasheva Amina, 3rd year student, specialty "Management". Project topic: Features of the organization's personnel policy formation (on the example of "Mereystroy-Astana" LLP). Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Mukhambetova L.K.

1st place (OP GMU) – Togai Milana, 3rd year student, specialty "State local government".Project topic: Aimakta investyalyk kyzmettin tiimdilgin bagalau. Supervisor: B.T. Chereeva, PhD, acting associate professor.

2nd place (OP GMU) – Irgalieva Aidana, 4th year student, specialty "State local government". Project topic: Measures of state support for the development of youth entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Scientific supervisor; Esymkhanova Z.K., Candidate of Economics, Professor.

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