Состоялась лекция Профессора кафедры «Менеджмент» Esil University Есымхановой Зейнегуль Клышбековны
Yesymkhanova Zeynegul Klyshbekovna, PhD, associate professor, Professor of the Department of Management at ESIL University, is a prominent specialist in the field of world economy, investment and digitalization of economic sectors, cross-border taxation.
The professor's participation in the educational process contributes to the expansion of students' horizons, the development of knowledge in the field of digitalization of taxation systems in the world.
For students of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis (groups of NIN19-1, NIN19-2), within the framework of the discipline "Taxation of foreign organizations and e-commerce", a lecture by a professor on the topic "Taxation of e-commerce in Kazakhstan" was held in the format of a webinar.