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“Lecturer through the eyes of students”


Inordertoimprovethe educational process, rectorate asks you to fill in the questionnaire below and looking forward to receive honest answers to questions posed.

Please, assessthedegreeofmanifestation of personal qualities of Lecturers from our university listed according to five-point scale.

«5» - qualityisalwaysmanifestedextremely

«4» - quality is clearly manifested, however it is not always manifested

«3» - qualityisnotclearlymanifestedor is manifested from time to time

«2» - qualityiscompletelyabsent, however it is not shifted to its opposite extreme

«1» - qualityismanifestedin opposite to that stated in the question

«- » - IcannotassessthisLecturer(to be filled in all lines under this surname)

Lecturer’s full name

1. TheLecturercanpick students’ interest in his/her subject

2. TheLecturerencouragesactivity, creativity and self-development of students

3. TheLecturerrevealsthesignificanceofthesubjectfor future professional activities

4. TheLecturercaneasily present material

5. InexplanationoftrainingmaterialstheLecturermakesuseofinformation from different subject areas and his/her own life and professional experience

6. InpracticaltrainingandseminarstheLecturermakesuseofteaching aids and hand-outs (tests, cards for individual work etc.), as well as multimedia materials

7. InpracticaltrainingandseminarstheLecturermakesuseofdifferent forms of training (group work, individual tasks, discussions, games etc.)

8. The Lecturer is interested in students’ opinion about his/her work

9. TheLecturermakesclearandconsistentdemandsbeforestudents during lessons and controls their implementation

10. TheLecturertriestobeobjectivewhenassessingacademic achievements (qualification and examination grades, assessment of review works and term papers)

11. TheLecturerrespectsstudents and is tactful when communication with them

12. TheLecturerfollowsLecturer’sethical standards

Your faculty _____________________________ specialty __________________________

Year ______________________________________ 

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